Announced as a core part of the ‘Good people. Good Jobs’ Queensland Workforce Strategy’ that is to be delivered over the course of 10 years, the Workforce Connect Fund is designed to increase investment and retention of workers in industry projects.
Working to drive Queensland towards a diverse workforce that is prepared to take best advantage of today’s jobs and adapt to future opportunities, the connect fund has key relevance for increasing the accessibility and wider job opportunities in the quarrying sector.
The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, identifies the Workforce Connect Fund as an initiative “designed to increase investment in industry and community-led projects that address attraction, retention and participation issues within the workforce.”
“It aims to drive systemic, industry-wide change in relation to these issues to enhance workforce outcomes for employers, employees and jobseekers.”
With regards to funding, the Connect Fund provides grants for scalable projects delivered by industry peak bodies and community peak organisations to connect, develop and implement new and innovative strategies, services and/or mechanisms that support the attraction and retention of employees now and into the future.
This funding has high value for the quarrying sector, allowing for increased opportunities to contribute to industry projects and increase the diversity of roles, including HR and administrative positions, in operations.
Organisations proposing large-scale projects can apply for funding of up to $1 million each, with each project to be delivered over a maximum 12-month term.
The 2022–23 Workforce Connect Fund funding round closed on 25 November 2022, with the upcoming 2023–24 round of funding anticipated to open in the second half of 2023, according the the Queensland Government.
For industry peak bodies, grants of $20,000 to $200,000 under the Growing Workplace Participating Fund are also available.
For more information on the Workforce Connect Fund and eligibility criteria, visit the Queensland Government website here.