In 2004, ECH designed and built an extreme service quarry bucket for Mawson Quarry Lake Cooper for its new Hitachi excavator. The bucket, designed for quarry use, has been temporarily removed from service, not because it is unusable but for an upgrade. The bucket, originally fitted with a Feurst Orca S wear parts system, is now being installed with the new Feurst Turnkey system.
The Turnkey system utilises a simple yet effective side pin and rubber combination, virtually eliminating the use of hammers during the fitting and removal of teeth. Apart from safer and easier installation and replacement, the system?s design allows for an improved ability for the teeth to stay sharp.
Glen Saunderson of ECH believes the bucket is still in good working order today for a number of reasons. ECH and Mawson Quarry?s manager, Adrian Bull, worked intensively in the design process to ensure the bucket was suitable for its purpose. In a quarry application, it is imperative to match the bucket and its wear parts to the capability of the excavator to which it will be attached, the trucks that will be loaded by the excavator and the specific use of the bucket within the quarry. If this is done correctly, not only will the bucket and excavator stand the test of time, the quarry?s productivity will be increased and profits will expand.
Cliff Hutchings of ECH added it is important to monitor the performance and wear of the bucket and its wear parts, and to establish a maintenance routine for these components.
Mawson Quarry Lake Cooper and ECH have maintained a close professional relationship throughout the bucket?s six years of service. It is maintained on a planned basis by Lake Cooper maintenance personnel, increasing its longevity, ultimately reducing downtime and the total cost of ownership.
Staying attuned to advances in the technology of quarry attachments and wear parts is important for the ongoing safety and productivity of a quarry, as Mawson Quarry Lake Cooper has proven.
Source: Equipment Component Holdings