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Bayside council’s road improvements scoop awards


A New South Wales council has led the way in waste recovery after being awarded for its efforts which included improving its asphalt. 

Bayside Council was recognised for its work as part of its circular economy strategy and annual action plans which encourage the use of waste as a resource.

The council have undertaken trials to include the rubber from tyres in the asphalt mix to re-sheet the roads in its local area.

It has mandated the use of recycled material in the road re-sheeting program which sees the road mix feature recycled glass and asphalt in the mix.

Bayside Mayor Dr Christina Curry said she was proud of the council’s efforts to improve recycling in their LGA.

“On behalf of Bayside, it is an honour to receive the National Local Government Award for Waste Management,” Curry said.

“I am proud of our Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2018-2030, which embodies the circular economy model.

“It’s a rolling program with continuous action plans which have resulted in 13 state environmental awards in multiple categories, in addition to this national recognition.”

It has also included 18,000 tonnes of organic material extracted annually from the general waste bins at an advanced treatment facility and used as compost to rehabilitate an old mine site.

They were recognised at the Australian Council of Local Government Gala Dinner at Parliament House.

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