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Ex-sand quarry approved to reduce, reuse and recycle


Cairns Regional Council has approved the repurposing of a former sand quarry owned by Lemura Sand Company, allowing the facility to host more than 50,000 tonnes of recycled materials.

The quarry was first approved in the late 1980s but has been used as a waste facility in recent years.

To adapt to the Queensland waste levy, which was brought into effect on 1 July, 2019, Lemura’s recent application attempted to minimise its waste products by extending the facility to include non-putrescible materials such as tyres, green waste and construction and demolition waste, which could be recycled and repurposed.

The council report stated the application aimed to “improve the sustainability of their operations through utilising existing, emerging and creating new market streams for reprocessed products”.

The report also stated several provisions, including a six-year timeframe before re-application, no individual household materials, and an adequate vegetation buffer and flood management system.

The latter two provisions were in response to concerns over the smell, noise and safety of the proposed facility, as the site is close to both a residential area and the Barron river.

The application report stated the restrictions of the recycling facility in respect to the frequent flood warnings of the tropical region.

“At all times, where a flood warning has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology that may impact the Barron River Delta Area and inundate the site … all accepted material must be adequately stabilised to ensure material is not mobilised.

“The Flood Impact Assessment identifies that, when comparing the proposed activities to the ultimate state (ie returned to pre-development levels and sugar cane) there would be no adverse impact on adjoining or surrounding land.

“In fact, the flood levels are reduced.”

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