The website presents the company’s products and solutions in terms of challenges faced by the construction industry such as increasing durability, improving resource efficiency and climate protection.
It serves as a central platform to exchange ideas by sharing real stories from stakeholders.
“Sustainability is a crucial issue for the construction industry and chemistry plays an important role in designing innovations for sustainable construction,” said Dr Tilman Krauch, president of BASF’s construction chemicals division and head of BASF’s global construction steering committee.
“The website is a window to what we do especially in the area of sustainability. It is designed to inform, connect and equip our construction partners with easy to access information, knowledge and ideas.?
The construction industry is a key customer industry for the company, accounting for up to 10 per cent of total group sales globally.
If visitors are searching for information for specific construction projects, they can use segments such as residential and non-residential buildings and infrastructures as entry points.
Users can directly contact BASF construction experts around the world and find information about upcoming construction events where they can meet BASF experts in person.
As a leading provider of raw materials, systems and finished products to the construction industry, BASF provides economically and ecologically sound solutions that contribute to sustainable housing and construction by reducing resource consumption, lowering energy consumption, increasing building life expectancy and enabling faster construction processes.
Source: BASF