
Queensland quarry provides aggregate for LNG project

The material originating from Holcim Bundaberg’s Bargara quarry will be destined for Curtis Island, off Gladstone. Leaving Bundaberg Port, it will be used in the construction of the GLNG liquefaction plant.
The GLNG Curtis Island project will use an innovative world-first technology to process coal seam gas into liquefied natural gas. “We are delighted to source material from places other than just Gladstone,” a spokeswoman from the project said. Bundaberg Holcim manager Brian Burr said that being tasked for the project despite Gladstone quarries being closer was a big deal for the company.
The process will take a couple of weeks with at least eight loads expected to make the trip by barge. Brian Burr added that the contract was good for workers, and it meant money entering the area instead of going out.
Sources: Newsmail (Bundaberg), Aggregate Research

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