Diesel emissions include up to 41 toxic compounds and Peak3 has developed a number of emissions treatment and monitoring technologies including the Particulate Management Platform that treats nano and ultrafine particulates using ultrasonic agglomeration. This was a process developed with collaborative research assistance from the Australian Coal Association Research Program and CSIRO.
Peak3 CEO Col Chandler said diesel emissions were one of the many potential health risks and the seminar was designed to provide a practical way for mining industry professionals to reduce these risks with the latest developments in emission reduction programs and technologies.
?The seminar is open to all mining industry professionals. The goal is to ensure emissions are being managed effectively and efficiently, without affecting mine productivity,? Chandler said.
The seminar will be on 15 May from 12.30pm to 4.30pm in the Vue Function Room at the Wollongong Golf Club.
Bookings are essential and you should contact info@peak3.com.au or call 07 3801 4897 by 10 May, 2012.
Source: Peak3