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Council seeks feedback on land bordering Indigenous quarry

The Bomen Axe Quarry in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, is of cultural, spiritual and historical significance to the Wiradjuri Aboriginal people of the local area. It is a site where stone axes were manufactured.

The area is held in high esteem because of the insights it provides into past Wiradjuri stone tool technology, Aboriginal trade routes and land management practices.

The council is seeking feedback on how it can use the site to further protect significant artefacts, provide cultural education facilities and promote tourism opportunities.

“There is currently approved funding available through the [NSW] Office of Environment and Heritage to enhance the Council-owned land adjoining the Bomen Axe Quarry, which was applied for by a member of the local Wiradjuri community,” Tristan Kell, the Wagga Wagga City Council’s city strategy manager told Quarry


“The project will include extensive native plantings, an access path, interpretive signage, shelter construction for a Scar Tree and seating area as well as a simulated demonstration area for tool making,” Kell added. “The Scar Tree is proposed to be salvaged and relocated from the future Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics (RiFL) Hub site under [the] Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) approved last year.”

“This public space will be available to the Wiradjuri nation and broader community for cultural purposes, education, tourism and celebration of our indigenous heritage.”

The Wagga Wagga Council is seeking community suggestions on the concept plans.

“Once the concepts for the site have been finalised Council will contribute funds for the Scar Tree shelter, as per the RiFL Hub project plans and the approved AHIP,” Kell said.


More reading
Indigenous group regains axe quarry
Quarry returned to traditional owners
Council go ahead for extraction after long drawn battle
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Honouring Australia’s first quarrymen

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