What makes me immensely proud about the IQA is the dedication and commitment of our members, specifically those who volunteer and contribute at the local level.
Strong local leadership is not just a driver of the IQA’s strategic plan, but it is an accurate description of those people leading our branches and sub-branches.
Without the large group of members volunteering their time to give back to the industry, the organisation would not be as strong as it is, nor be in a position to grow and reach our 2000 membership target.
Membership organisations and their longevity are directly related to their member numbers, driven by membership value and delivering on that value.
The IQA’s Membership Pledge – an initiative also recently undertaken in the UK – has been designed to assist the organisation in communicating value and the value proposition to its members and their employers, and in turn receive a commitment from industry in supporting the IQA and its mission.
{{quote-A:R-W:300-Q:"In signing the membership pledge, companies are backing the development and delivery of educational platforms through a single, industry-specific source."}}By signing the Membership Pledge, industry companies are supporting the IQA to develop and deliver educational platforms through a consolidated single source which is industry-specific and designed to assist in meeting duty of care and competency requirements for statutory positions as well as lift the industry standard across many areas, eg safety, environment, people development.
In addition, while the IQA is an individual professional membership organisation, the pledge is a recognition of the role companies within the sector play in supporting their employees and their professional development.
While many companies within the industry have already made a commitment to pledge, companies that have not yet committed to pledging and being part of a signing ceremony at this year’s CMIC18 conference are invited to do so by contacting me, the CEO or one of the IQA’s directors.
I recently made the journey to the Western Australian branch, to attend its committee meeting. While I had attended some very successful WA golf days in previous years, it was the first time I had met the branch committee and was able to directly discuss the work of the board and my goals for the organisation during my tenure, along with hearing about local initiatives in WA and members’ needs.
I commend the WA branch committee for its enthusiasm and support, including a commitment to running a Women in Quarrying conference in 2019.
The WA branch has been a very successful part of the organisation and provides an essential link to the industry and our members on the west coast. Although the distance no doubt sometimes feels greater than the four- or five-hour flight from the east coast, I was pleased to make the trip and provide some connectivity with the national office and broader organisation.
I also had the pleasure again of being master of ceremonies for the 16th Annual Quarrying Safety and Health Conference, a joint initiative of the IQA, CCAA and Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy.
This event included some of the best presentations and speakers in the event’s 16-year history. Many delegates commented on the impact of the speakers, especially the personal stories shared by the New Hope Group.
Sharing case studies and innovations has always been a feature of our industry events, with the lessons learned so relatable and relevant to the audience. This, in part, is why this event has had such great support.
These recent interactions have given me a sense of pride in what the IQA is delivering for members and also the commitment to staying relevant and supportive to the industry, all driven by – and thanks to – our members.