The project under consideration is a proposed sand quarry in Eumungerie, New South Wales. The 2ha extraction site is expected to yield 6000m3 per annum of sand for use by local landscaping businesses.
During the project’s public consultation period, Dubbo City Council received 54 submissions, 53 of which objected to or raised concerns about the development. As a result, the council requested the quarry applicant provide further information, including details on the intended truck routes, vehicles types to be used and mitigation of air pollution and dust impacts.
In June, the council’s planning and development committee recommended that the development application undergo further public consultation in order to give the community the opportunity to review the new truck route and consent conditions put forward by the council committee.
Planning and development committee chair Lyn Griffiths said these conditions covered truck movements, erosion and sediment control, noise limits, dust suppression and site rehabilitation, in addition to requiring that the site undergo chemical assessment.
Later that month, Dubbo City Council voted to adopt the committee’s recommendation, however, councillor John Walkom cautioned the council that this could potentially deter businesses that could create economic growth in the region.
“We don’t want to be sending the wrong message to people wanting to create business, or give them the impression that we’re putting obstacles in their way,” Walkom said. “We want to make it clear that this is not about delaying the [quarry’s approval] process – it’s about consultation.
“We understand public consultation is very important, and the change to the truck route through Eumungerie village is the reason why we've decided to undertake a second round for the Eumungerie quarry.”
Walkom also acknowledged the overall benefit that quarrying could offer the region, stating, “Quarry businesses create jobs. The most important thing to do in any economy is to create economic prosperity, and you do that by creating jobs.”
The revised development application is currently on public exhibition until 30 July, 2015.