The US National Mining Association (NMA) president and chief executive officer Hal Quinn and David Kanagy, the executive director of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), announced the new tool The Hard Rock Mining and Benefication Environmental Management System Guide.
?We believe all hard rock mining operations can benefit from this guide, even if they already have an environmental management system in place,? Quinn said.
?It should be particularly helpful for small to medium-sized operators who have decided to implement a management systems approach to environmental performance but are not sure how to begin and want to learn from the experiences of others.?
Kanagy said that by using the ?plan-do-check-act? continual improvement process inherent in most management systems, companies could deliver reliable regulatory compliance, reduce impacts to the environment and improve environmental stewardship.
The Guide includes eight steps covering initial implementation of the system through to continual improvement stages.
More information about the guide is available at the NMA website.
Source: JKTech SMI Technology Transfer