Sand Processing

Queensland to host diesel particulate matter seminars

Peak 3, a Queensland-based science and engineering company, is holding information sessions on the effective management of diesel emissions at two seminars in Queensland. One will be held in Brisbane on Wednesday, 22 February and the other in Emerald on Wednesday, 14 March.

The Practical Guide to Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) Management seminars will provide mining industry professionals such as OHS staff, engineers and ventilation managers with valuable information about the latest emissions management programs and technologies.

Strict emission regulations being implemented globally mean that monitoring and emission planning needs to be a point of focus for the quarry industry, advised Colin Chandler, the Peak 3 CEO.

?Trying to manage diesel emissions can cost mining companies a significant amount of money to do it properly. Up to date information is vital, which is why we have brought together science and industry leaders to provide the latest information to those managing the problem,? he said.

Seven industry experts will speak at the seminars, some from Peak 3, but others from organisations such as CSIRO and the Queensland University of Technology.

Peak 3 provides a range of monitoring and emission planning services to the mining market.

More information is available from Peak 3, tel 07 3801 4897, email or visit

Source: Peak 3

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